Introduction to Lectio Divina

What is Lectio Divina?
As followers of Jesus, our aim is not just to read Scripture, know Scripture or even to just believe Scripture. Our aim is to live in an active, daily and abiding relationship with Jesus, and to be formed into more of his image. Lectio Divina is time tested practice of the church that helps you engage and encounter Jesus through His written Word. Since Scripture is God’s continual conversation with Himself and His people, this methodology, which means “Sacred Reading,” simply combines reading Scripture & prayer in a way that leads us to encounter God through His Word.

What is the purpose of Lectio Divina?
Many of us are accustomed to reading Scripture simply for information about God and His gospel. But Lectio Divina invites us to approach Scripture to engage and encounter God with both our heads and our hearts on a more intimate and relational level. This practice is particularly helpful in our Reformed theological tradition that (rightly!) takes the study of Scripture so seriously, because it helps us grow from simply knowing about Jesus towards knowing and enjoying Jesus in our daily abiding relationship with Him as His followers.

How do I practice Lectio Divina?
The process of Lectio Divina includes four components of interacting with Scripture, at your own self-guided pace.

1.  Read

Read the passage slowly several times. Try reading both silently and out loud. Notice any word(s), image(s), and phrase that the Lord brings to your attention.

2. Reflect
Reflect on what stood out to you - a word, image, phrase or feeling that surfaced. Focus on how it applies to your life with God, and why. Allow your emotions to be engaged. 

3.  Respond

Respond to God, by praying back to Him in your own words what is most impactful to you. Engage intimately and honestly with God.

4. Rest
Rest in silence before God. Allow His presence and love to come near. Receive what He may have for you. Enjoy being in the presence of God.

As you might imagine, you could spend a long time on each of these components, and hopefully, there will be times when you do. Our recommendation is to invest 10 minutes in this process. Finally, feel free to return to each text as many times as you would like throughout the Advent Season.



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