Christ Community
Adults Ministry
Learn & Grow. Together. Adult Sunday Classes.
We believe the gospel changes lives. We also believe that learning the gospel together in a multi-generational community is a distinctive practice set by the early church. Through our Sunday Classes that are both scriptural and topical, we aim to mature in our Christlikeness by equipping our church in being able to navigate the complexities of life with the knowledge, love and grace of Jesus for the sake of others.
Class Title: In the Beginning: A Study on Creation
Class Description: There is no Christianity without the account of creation. “In the beginning...” is how God begins to reveal Himself to humanity. Yet, when considering the creation of the universe, there are three core questions we can ask: Who? How? and Why? Join us as we ask and explore the hard questions of God’s creation account and learn how creation is the firm foundation for our faith in our Lord Jesus.
Class Location: Room B111
Class Title: The Life & Fruit of the Spirit
Class Description: The fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 is a familiar list of Christian character traits. Yet at times, this list can be both encouraging and crushing. You are invited to join us as we uncover the deeper meanings of the Fruit of the Spirit, how they are perfectly fulfilled in Jesus, and how He conforms us more into Himself as His followers.
Class Location: Room B108
Class Title: Issues in Church History
Class Description: Who do people say Jesus is? What is the church? What difference does knowing the history of the Church really do for us now living in 2025? Join us as we reflect on the first 800 years of Church History, and its various issues to equip us as we grow in becoming more faithful disciples & witnesses of Jesus.
Class Location: Event Center
Class Title: Going Deeper
Class Description: Looking to unpack last week’s sermon? Join Going Deeper as we discuss the previous week’s sermon and learn how to apply the gospel to our daily lives. This class occurs year around.
Class Location: Room B103
Early Spring Sunday Classes
Each fall and spring we offer two rotations of Adult Sunday classes, each about 6 weeks long. We offer four different classes each rotation unless otherwise noted. Church members lead these classes.
Early Spring Class Schedule: February 2-March 23; no classes on March 9 due to spring break.