For more than thirty years now, the God of all grace has been telling his story of redeeming mercy in and through you. We see the fruit of that work across Franklin and all around the world. But that story has just begun. What if the most amazing chapters are yet to unfold? What if God is stirring something new and beautiful to deepen his work in us and extend his work through us? What will people say thirty years from now about what God is doing at Christ Community Church?


RISE & BUILD is a God-sized project and God-sized mission. Our goal is to address the identified areas of need, keep our past promises, and move forward as the Lord has directed. God is graciously allowing us to participate in what he is doing in and through Christ Community Church, and it’s going to take ALL OF US committing to prayer, sacrificial giving, and faithful obedience to the one through whom all things are accomplished.


First and foremost, we are asking you to pray and seek God’s leading. Prioritize attending the Sunday Worship Services and prepare your heart to listen to God’s Word, taking time to reflect on the messages that you hear each week and engage in the corresponding Bible studies. Talk with your family and friends about what the Lord is revealing to you.
We trust that the Lord will direct on how he is calling you, personally, to make a sacrificial commitment.
We also ask you to prepare to be amazed. We trust that the Lord is working in your life, in our church, and in our community, and we look forward in faith to the tremendous impact that he will make through our commitments.
RISE & BUILD is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity to God’s mission in and through Christ Community Church. We believe that God calls us to give in times of hardship just as much as he does in times of abundance, and what that looks like with be different for every person and family. We trust that God will direct all of us, calling us to surrender our lives completely in the area of giving and see that it is not something that he wants from us, but something that he wants for us.
Sacrificial giving may mean being challenged to sell things, cutting back in certain areas of spending, or even trusting God in faith by making a commitment that you don’t quite know how to fulfill right now, but that you believe God will provide.
We would like everyone to be a part of RISE & BUILD so that we can all be supporting, loving, encouraging, and praying for one another.

The “right amount” is the amount that God places on your heart to sacrificially give. Your commitment is a response in worship. The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 that “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

If you are new to our church, new to Franklin, new to faith in Christ, or still seeking answers, WELCOME. As RISE & BUILD is about moving forward God’s mission through our church, we’d love to help you get to know our church and learn more about that vision.
We encourage you to attend our Welcome and Connection class on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. to learn more about who we are, what we do, and how to connect. This is a great opportunity to get to know members and leaders in our community, ask questions, and let us know about where you are in your journey.
Pastor Charles Johnson explains, “Several people have asked – why a separate building? That’s a great question. I investigated this question by asking lots of Youth Pastors around the country that do have their own designated space. The prevailing thought was: if you have in mind non-Christian teenagers, or de-churched or never-been-churched teenagers, then you must have detached youth facility as an entry point for them to be able to come into the church.” After much research and prayer, the decision to proceed with a separate space was made with the goal of welcoming our community’s teenagers, focusing on creating an easier entry point to welcome new neighbors and friends.
Additionally, as we see that adolescence is a time when our youth naturally, developmentally begin to pull away, a physically detached building gives them a safe space to do that – a separated facility, but connected to the strong base of the church to love and support them in this phase.

Evangelical churches typically raise around two to three times their annual giving in a financial campaign. After conducting a feasibility study with our congregation, consulting with our campaign advisors, and reviewing our full financial picture with projected planning, design, construction, and long-term costs, the Session has prayerfully considered and approved the goal. We believe that through radical generosity and sacrificial giving, we can move the vision forward.

We will only proceed with construction if the fiscal requirements outlined in our Guiding Financial Principles are met, ensuring that we have the available funds to maintain our current ministry focus.
We do not expect the campaign to have an adverse effect on our normal operating or mission budgets as all giving commitments towards the RISE & BUILD campaign are made over and above regular giving. Historically, churches do not experience decreases in regular giving during a campaign as the overall focus on stewardship and opportunity to grow in our understanding of generosity stirs individuals and families to consider the total picture of their giving and be more intentional in both their regular offerings and campaign commitment.

The RISE & BUILD Commitment Card is where you can indicate what you plan to give over the three-year campaign period, with options for how and over what schedule you have prayerfully decided to contribute. This card is vital, informing us of what to expect and how to wisely plan expenditures. When the time comes to begin giving, a number of methods are available (giving online, by check, automatic checking withdrawal, etc.) with options for stocks and non-cash gifts as well. For specific questions about giving methods, please contact Don Davis in the Church Business Office at [email protected].

Of course! Unforeseen circumstances in the future may cause you to want to increase or decrease your giving commitment. At any time during the commitment month period, you can review or change your pledge.



  1. PRAY – Come before the Lord with an open heart, asking him to show you what generosity looks like. Pray for him to guide you and reveal to you how he wants to work through you at Christ Community Church and in Franklin.
  2. READ – Read the living and active Word, participating in the weekly devotional that corresponds to the message each week. If you are traveling or homebound, you can listen to the Scripture readings and message on our website or through our podcast.
  3. REFLECT – As you read and pray, reflect on what the Lord is saying to you. Talk you’re your family and friends and if you are married, talk to your spouse – discuss what the Holy Spirit is leading you toward.
  4. TAKE A STEP IN FAITH – Trust Jesus and what he is calling you to give.
  5. GIVE – To make a gift now, select RISE & BUILD in the “to” field on our online giving form. For questions about contributions and specific giving methods, please contact Don Davis in the church office.